Two more Wednesday night classes remaining. The will be the most interesting topics. Easiest way to register is call the venue. Contact the San Marcos Activity Center by phone: (512) 393-8280 (tell the person you talk to it is a Lifelong Learning course)ONLINE REGISTRATION: Here are the dates, times and venue. Class runs four weeks. 1 1/2 hour per class. Oct 11, 18, 25 & Nov 1. 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Venue: San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E Hopkins, San Marcos 78666 There is a fee is $25 for the four week course. Exploring Early Texas Art Four classes in Oct. Nov. An in depth study of Vintage, Mid Century, Black Folk and some Contemporary Texas art. Easiest way to register is to call the venue directly. Contact the San Marcos Activity Center by phone: (512) 393-8280 (tell the person you talk to it is a Lifelong Learning course) Exploring Early Texas Art of the 19th to mid-20th Centuries Wednesday Evenings (4): October 11, 18, 25, & Nov. 1st Time: 6:00 to 7:30 PM Site: San Marcos Activity Center Cost: $25.00 Course Description The course will take you on a fascinating journey through the exciting and eclectic world of early Texas art Week One will be an overview of vintage Texas Art and the various genres and includes Early Texas Art, Mid Century Texas Art and possibly a few contemporary pieces. Weeks Two and Three will focus on the artists and their art. The gallery holds work by many prominent early Texas artists from Jose Arpa to Lu Ann Barrow. Artists whose work you may view and discuss include, but are not limited to, Porfirio Salinas, Pedro Lazcano, A.D. Greer, Dawson Dawson-Watson, Santa Duran, Robert Wood, Hale Bolton, Rolla Taylor, Frank Reaugh, Robert Jenkins Onderdonk, and Julian Onderdonk. Week Four will examine some of the do's and don'ts of collecting and investing in early Texas art and should be a lively discussion! Presented by Mr. Charles Morin. Charles (Charlie), owner of Charles Morin Fine Art located in San Antonio, has been in the art and antique business since he was 14 years old when he began buying and selling vintage automobiles. Through the years his interests have evolved and now primarily concentrate on vintage Texas paintings by such artists as Porfirio Salinas, Exa Wall, Santa Duran, and A.D. Greer to name a few. (However, his inventory does include vintage Texas utilitarian pottery, vintage Texas art pottery and handmade Texas furniture.) Charlie believes that many of these artists have been somewhat overlooked and underrated by the collecting community and one of his biggest thrills is finding a fabulous painting by an obscure Texas Artist.