
  • Details

    Mid Century Modern. Regionalist

  • Biography

    David Adickes (1927 - present)

    Adickes spent most of his professional life teaching, painting, and creating small bronzes. Now mainly known as a creator of giant sculpture, A commission for Houston's Performing Art Center in 1982 marks the beginning of his giant sculpture design. After the 36-foot tall cellist called the Virtuoso in a cubist style, he created a number of abstract works, including a giant cornet for the jazz stage at the 1984 World's Fair in New Orleans, Louisiana. Sculptor David Adickes is known for a major project titled Presidents Park in Williamsburg, Virginia, where he created 42 portraits bust of American presidents. Each sculpture is twenty feet tall, and their size was the subject of much protest and controversy. However, a court ruling allowed them to stay. President of Texas, followed by his 42 statue tribute to United States Presidents. Adickes has degrees in mathematics and physics which serve him well in the engineering of his works. Working on a giant sculpture series which includes the Beatles, and he hopes to end with a 280-foot tall cowboy statue, Adickes is also painting again.